• DXGI_ERROR_NOT_CURRENTLY_AVAILABLE error is a well-known DirectX error.
  • This error message is often caused by the following factors: Direct X is not being updated and your system does not have the required Direct X for the program you are running, you may get this error.
  • Update your graphics drivers to the latest version of DirectX for Windows 10 can help fix this problem.
  • If this is a DirectX problem, installing the latest DirectX version on your system can help.
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If you have encountered the DXGI_ERROR_NOT_CURRENTLY_AVAILABLE error and don’t know how to fix it, you can read this post. It will show not only several possible causes for this error but also some useful solutions to fix it. For now, you can get these solutions from the Techquack website.

In addition to providing access to framebuffers and advanced graphics card features not available from the standard Windows GDI GUI, DirectX also provides an interface for accessing advanced graphics card features. Immediately following the introduction of DirectX, manufacturers began developing drivers that enabled low-level graphics hardware. There is one well-known error with DirectX called DXGI_ERROR_NOT_CURRENTLY_AVAILABLE. In this article, we will explore the causes and solutions to solve this error.

What is the cause of the DXGI_ERROR_NOT_CURRENTLY_AVAILABLE error?

What is the cause of the DXGI_ERROR_NOT_CURRENTLY_AVAILABLE error?

The following factors are usually the cause of DirectX errors:

Direct X is not being updated: If the Direct X installed on your system is not being updated and your system does not have the required Direct X for the program you are running, you may get this error. Usually, Direct X is integrated into newer versions of Windows, such as Windows 10, but sometimes if it is corrupted or some of its components required by a specific program are missing, you will get this error.

I upgraded from Win7 to Win10 after finding that Microsoft is discontinuing support for Win7 in July. My steam games work fine, but when I launch games like BF1 and FIFA19, I get this error message: DirectX function “FindClosestMatchingMode” failed.

Video Driver Problem: If your system has outdated video drivers installed, or if your system has video drivers installed that make it not work properly, you will probably get this error. If your graphics drivers don’t have some of the features you need for the game or program you want to run, it’s usually a good idea to update your graphics drivers to the latest version to get rid of these problems.

There is no current support for the search function ‘FindClosestMatchingMode’ in the driver or on the device. GPU: NVDIA GeForce GTX 970, Driver: 38813.

Problem Resolution (Incompatible Solution): Some Battlefield forum users have stated that the problem is related to monitor resolution, etc., and that changing the resolution solves this problem for them. So, you may be getting this error because the resolution you set on your monitor, etc. is not compatible with the program you are trying to run, and so it is causing this error.

Using a DVI cable: Some users have even reported that this problem was caused by using a DVI cable instead of an HDMI cable to connect their GPU to their output devices, i.e. their monitor, and after switching to an HDMI cable, the problem was solved. So you can get this error because you are using a DVI cable to connect your GPU to your monitor, etc., even if your GPU supports HDMI output (almost all new GPUs support HMDI outputs).

DXGI_ERROR_NOT_CURRENTLY_AVAILABLE: pchain->ResizeTarget(&mdesc)————————OK————————

Display and LCD refresh rate: One steam forum user stated that it was the refresh rate of his display that caused the problem and that after changing it, the problem was fixed for him. Therefore, it is possible that the error could be due to the fact that you have set the monitor refresh rate to a value that is not compatible with the program or game you are trying to run.

This error can be fixed in a number of ways, depending on the situation. The best solution for your situation is to try all solutions and find out which one fits your situation the best. For instance, if the error occurs due to a script, then fixing the error will solve the problem for that script.


Updated: May 2024

We highly recommend that you use this tool for your error. Furthermore, this tool detects and removes common computer errors, protects you from loss of files, malware, and hardware failures, and optimizes your device for maximum performance. This software will help you fix your PC problems and prevent others from happening again:

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Update your graphics drivers

The graphics driver you use on your computer plays a significant role in the DirectX problems you can encounter in Windows.

Error —————————————————————— The DirectX function “m_output->FindClosestMatchingMode(&matchMode, &m_outputMode, m_renderer->getDxgiDevice())” failed with the error DXGI_ERROR_NOT_CURRENTLY_AVAILABLE_ERR_NOT_CURR_CURR_CURR_ACCESSABLE_NOT_CURR_CURR_ACT_AC_CURR_NO_CURR_CURR_ACT_AVAILABLE_CURR_NOT_CURR_NOT_CURROR_NOT_CURR_NOT_CURR_CURBAN_CURR_CURR_CURR_AVAILABLE_(The device or driver does not support the requested functionality.”). Driver 43615

In order to get the latest driver for your GPU, go to the Nvidia graphics driver download page if you are using an Nvidia graphics driver. To get the latest AMD Radeon graphics driver version, go to the AMD Radeon graphics driver download page. Installing the driver and restarting your computer should be your next step after downloading it.

The DXGI_ERROR_NOT_CURRENTLY_AVAILABLE error can be resolved by updating the graphics driver.

Install the latest version of DirectX

To rectify this problem, you need to download and install DirectX on your computer. If you don’t have DirectX on your computer, you will need to install it from Microsoft’s DirectX download page.

The DXGI_ERROR_NOT_CURRENTLY_AVAILABLE error can be fixed by updating DirectX.

Using an HDMI cable

In this case, you can try replacing the DVI cable with an HDMI cable in order to see if it solves the issue. I recommend that you try this because many users have already resolved their problem by switching to HDMI cables.

Changing the refresh rate of your display

To fix this error, you can also try changing your display’s refresh rate in Windows.
If your monitor supports a higher refresh rate, you may want to try it. The recommended refresh rate is 60 Hz; however, if your monitor supports a higher refresh rate, you may want to try it.

  1. The Start icon should be clicked, followed by Settings, then System.
  2. Activate Advanced Display Settings by clicking Display and then clicking Display Adapter Properties on Display 1.
  3. Changing the Screen refresh rate under the Monitor tab to 60 Hz will be done by clicking the Monitor tab.

Check to see if the DXGI_ERROR_NOT_CURRENTLY_AVAILABLE error has been resolved after performing the above steps.

Changing the Display Resolution

To test whether your problem is solved by lowering your screen resolution slightly and setting it to a lower value, try changing the screen resolution slightly.

  1. You can change the display settings on your computer’s home screen by right-clicking on a blank area.
  2. Choose the resolution that meets your needs under Resolution.

The error may be fixed if the resolution of the program or game is unsupported.

RECOMMENATION: Click here for help with Windows errors.

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Mark Ginter is a tech blogger with a passion for all things gadgets and gizmos. A self-proclaimed "geek", Mark has been blogging about technology for over 15 years. His blog,, covers a wide range of topics including new product releases, industry news, and tips and tricks for getting the most out of your devices. If you're looking for someone who can keep you up-to-date with all the latest tech news and developments, then be sure to follow him over at Microsoft.