Bug fix: Troubleshooting error 0x8e5e0247

  • The problem is that the troubleshooter does not start.
  • The problem occurs in almost all versions of Windows.
  • It usually happens when you try to run the built-in troubleshooters or the official Microsoft Fix It tool.
Updated May 2024This tool will stop these errors and fix common problems: Get it at this link
  1. Download and install the software.
  2. It will scan your computer to find problems.
  3. The tool will then correct the issues that were discovered.

There are times when you need to turn to Windows’ built-in troubleshooters for help when something isn’t working properly. Many common problems can be found and solved using troubleshooters, but a “troubleshooting error” can occur at unexpected times. This article provides help with this troubleshooting error.

You can use Windows Troubleshooter to solve a wide variety of problems and errors. During troubleshooting, you may see error messages. However, in this post, we will discuss the error 0x8e5e0247 that prevents the diagnostic tool from starting. When diagnosing Windows 10, a 0x8e5e0247 error occurs if the same two Intel drivers are used, cryptographic services are disabled, or system settings are misconfigured.

Both Intel Fast Storage Technology and Intel Raster Memory drivers need to be uninstalled to troubleshoot the issue. Enable the disabled services and change the status key settings using registry policy or group policy if this does not solve the problem. It is possible that the problem is related to recent updates if the error message persists. You can restore the PC to its previous state where it worked perfectly by using the System Restore Point you created earlier.

An error occurred while troubleshooting Windows 10/8/7

An unexpected error has occurred

The built-in diagnostic tools in Windows 10/8/7 make it easy to identify the cause of most common Windows issues.

A problem with adding new hardware, unexpected keyboard behavior, software compatibility issues, problems with search and indexing, or problems with Windows updates, for example.

There are, however, times when troubleshooters fail.
Your Windows 10/8/7 computer may display an error message that says “Troubleshooting Error Occurred” after you attempt to fix the problem.

Additional message:

  • Troubleshooter doesn’t start due to an error.
  • This Troubleshooter cannot continue because of an unexpected error.

There are usually several random error codes displayed in the “Error Occurred” interface, for example, 0x80070057, 0x8000FFF, 0x80070005 or 0x80070002 or 0x8e5e0247 or 0x803c0103 etc.

How to troubleshoot Windows diagnostics if they don’t work? The solutions below show you how to troubleshoot some problems that might be affecting you.

What’s the reason for error 0x8e5e0247

What is the cause of error 0x8e5e0247

The following message appears every time some Windows users attempt to diagnose a problem.

An error has occurred during troubleshooting. Troubleshooter doesn’t start due to an error.

When the built-in troubleshooter or the Microsoft Fix It tool are run, it usually causes this problem in almost all versions of Windows.

In other words, the troubleshooter gives you this error message.

Depending on your computer, you receive a different error code when you click “View Error Information.”.
It is possible to solve this problem in this article, which gives you some suggestions.

How to fix error code 0x8e5e0247 in Windows 10

Updated: May 2024

We highly recommend that you use this tool for your error. Furthermore, this tool detects and removes common computer errors, protects you from loss of files, malware, and hardware failures, and optimizes your device for maximum performance. This software will help you fix your PC problems and prevent others from happening again:

  • Step 1 : Install PC Repair & Optimizer Tool (Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, Vista).
  • Step 2 : Click Start Scan to find out what issues are causing PC problems.
  • Step 3 : Click on Repair All to correct all issues.


How to fix error code 0x8e5e0247 in Windows 10

Intel Rapid Storage Technology Update

An old Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver may not handle the current size of the drive if you receive this error message after upgrading your PC configuration to a new hard drive or SSD.

The Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver can be updated through official channels to the latest version if this scenario applies. According to similar users, following the instructions below fixed the problem permanently for them after struggling with the same error message.

The Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver needs to be updated as follows:

The Intel Rapid Storage Technology (Intel RST) driver needs to be installed on your computer.
The next screen has a left pane where you should download SetupRST on.
When the download has finished, accept TdS and wait.
The latest Intel RST driver can now be installed by double-clicking the SetupRST executable and following the on-screen instructions.
In case it is not prompted to restart your computer, reboot it manually after the installation has been completed.
7.) Verify that the error code 0x8e5e0247 has been resolved by repeating the action that previously caused it.

Continuing to try the next method if the problem persists is the best course of action.

Reinstalling Intel Matrix Storage

The error code 0x8e5e0247 can occur when a conflict occurs between Intel Matrix Storage and Intel Fast Storage Driver (or AMD equivalent) if you have both installed.

To resolve the problem, you can uninstall the Intel Matrix Storage utility from the Programs and Features utility. Following the instructions below and rebooting the computer helped several users experience the same problem stop receiving the error code.

In order to proceed, follow these steps:

Open the “Programs and Features” utility by pressing the Windows + R keys, then typing “appwiz.cpl”.
In the “Programs and Features” window, find Intel Matrix Storage and right-click it, using the context menu that appears. Select Uninstall.
Then restart your computer after completing the uninstallation.
4) Repeat the previous boot sequence in order to resolve the problem.

You can proceed to method 2 if error code 0x8e5e0247 persists.

SFC and DISM scans

In addition to a corrupted system file, a corrupted system file can also cause error code 0x8e5e0247 when it interferes with Windows Update or Windows Troubleshooting. DISM or SFC (System File Checker) should be able to help you solve the problem if such a situation occurs.

Compared to each other, they repair corrupted system files differently.
Windows Update is used by SFC for downloading new versions of corrupted files, while Windows Update is used by DISM.

Performing an SFC and DISM scan in the following order will make sure you do not have a corrupted system file. Performing an SFC and DISM scan is as simple as following the steps below:

You will then see an extended command prompt. Click “Yes” to grant administrator access when UAC (User Account Control) appears.
The next step is to run SFC using the extended command line after successfully opening it: sfc /scannow

Note: Stopping this scan in the middle may cause additional damage to system files. Therefore, do not close the CMD window or shut down your PC suddenly before the scan is complete. Note that this may take several hours, depending on the specifications and memory of your PC.

3.) Restart your PC after the SFC analysis has been completed. If the problem still persists, restart the machine.
Then open another extended CMD command and enter the following command to run the DISM scan: DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth . If the error code 0x8e5e0247 still occurs, proceed to step 2.

Note: Remember that DISM needs a reliable internet connection to download clean copies of corrupted files, so make sure that you use a stable internet connection.

If the problem still persists after rebooting your computer, try restarting it again.

Continue to method 3 if 0x8e5e0247 continues to be present.

Do a repair installation

Your system might be experiencing serious damage if the two built-in utilities above have been unable to resolve error code 0x8e5e0247.

A recovery installation can resolve this issue and prevent the need for reinstallation. This process resets all Windows components, including the boot data, as well as the boot file. In contrast, this method will not affect your application, user settings, or storage media (photos, videos, documents) – meaning that all your personal files, including your applications, user settings, and storage media, remain untouched.

RECOMMENATION: Click here for help with Windows errors.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Select Start -> Settings -> Update and Security -> Troubleshooting.
  2. Select the type of troubleshooting, and then select Run Troubleshooting.
  3. Run the Troubleshooter and answer all the questions on the screen.

Intel RST driver is outdated - the most common cause of this problem is an outdated fast storage driver that cannot handle the amount of memory present in the system configuration. Damaged system file - another possible culprit for error 0x8e5e0247 is a corrupted system file.

Sometimes, malicious applications interfere with major Windows 10 components and may display the error message "Troubleshooter has stopped working". If you see this message, make sure you run a detailed scan of your system with an antivirus tool.

If you see an error message on your computer that says, "Oops, something went wrong. An unexpected error. It usually indicates information stored in your browser that needs to be updated.

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Mark Ginter is a tech blogger with a passion for all things gadgets and gizmos. A self-proclaimed "geek", Mark has been blogging about technology for over 15 years. His blog, techquack.com, covers a wide range of topics including new product releases, industry news, and tips and tricks for getting the most out of your devices. If you're looking for someone who can keep you up-to-date with all the latest tech news and developments, then be sure to follow him over at Microsoft.