How to fix the blue screen error 0x00000109

  • Error 0x00000109 is an error that causes your computer to freeze, display a blue screen, or shut down completely.
  • The error code can take several forms, including blue screen errors, blue screen problems, or BSOD errors.
  • If you get this error, you won’t be able to see your desktop, you will only see blue screen with an error code.
Updated May 2024This tool will stop these errors and fix common problems: Get it at this link
  1. Download and install the software.
  2. It will scan your computer to find problems.
  3. The tool will then correct the issues that were discovered.


This article will cover any questions or concerns you have regarding blue screen error code 0x00000109. To resolve error 0x00000109, you must be able to identify what is causing it and follow the guided solution in accordance with the guidance.

When Blue Screen 0x00000109 occurs, the Windows OS would have terminated several crucial functions making it difficult to use the PC. Accordingly, it is necessary to fix the Blue Screen error immediately. Failure to fix the screen on-time incites many problems like data corruption and data loss. This error occurs because of many reasons, therefore, at first troubleshoot the system prior to detecting the main cause and adopting an appropriate solution. Failure to troubleshoot means adopting the wrong solution which is ineffective in the long run. Hence, it is important to take time and identify the cause before going for a solution. Furthermore, if Windows is able to start after the BSOD error 0x00000109, you may be prompted with the following message –

We provide detailed information on how to fix the error “0x00000109” that you recently encountered on your PC.

A computer can experience this error, which causes it to freeze, display a blue screen, or completely shut down. If you are experiencing this error, you will see only a blue screen with the error code 0x00000109.

You cannot use your computer when Blue Screen 0x00000109 occurs. This error would have shut down a lot of vital functions, so you are not able to use your computer. Therefore, it is imperative to fix the error as soon as possible. There are many causes for the Blue Screen 0x00000109 error, so you must first troubleshoot the system before identifying the main cause and finding a suitable solution. Failure to fix the screen on time can lead to data corruption and data loss.

Error code 0x00000109 on the blue screen
Stop 0x00000109
BSOD 0x00000109
0x00000109: An error has occurred

The kernel detects critical and corrupted data or kernel code when it displays an error. In your operating system, the kernel plays an important role in managing the computer’s hardware, including the processor and RAM. A kernel displays critical problems in your computer, and when it malfunctions, it affects hardware, drivers, processor, and RAM, as well as many other aspects of your computer.


What is the cause of error 0x00000109?

What is the cause of error 0x00000109?

Inconsistency in the driver/third-party process: It turns out that this particular problem may be caused by a conflicting third-party application or a newly installed driver that affects your boot configuration data. In this case, you can solve the problem by booting your computer in safe mode and restoring it to a healthy state using the System Restore Utility.

Damage to system files: Damage to system files is the second most important cause of this particular shutdown error. If this scenario applies, the problem can be solved by running a set of built-in utilities (SFC and DISM) or by resetting each operating system component with a new installation or repair procedure.


To fix error 0x00000109

Updated: May 2024

We highly recommend that you use this tool for your error. Furthermore, this tool detects and removes common computer errors, protects you from loss of files, malware, and hardware failures, and optimizes your device for maximum performance. This software will help you fix your PC problems and prevent others from happening again:

  • Step 1 : Install PC Repair & Optimizer Tool (Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, Vista).
  • Step 2 : Click Start Scan to find out what issues are causing PC problems.
  • Step 3 : Click on Repair All to correct all issues.


To fix error 0x00000109

Start in safe mode

The first step to fixing the BSOD error is to start your computer in safe mode. You should only start necessary system programs and services in safe mode during startup. By interfering with the BCD (Boot Configuration Data) of the operating system, a third-party application or device driver causes error 0x00000109 if you boot in safe mode.

You can then apply Fixes 2, 3, 4, and 5 if the stop error does not appear after you complete the above steps. However, if the stop error persists, you should apply Fixes 6, 7, and 8.

Start your computer in safe mode by following these steps:

  1. The computer will shut down if the power button is pressed until it is off.
  2. In order to turn your computer on, press the power button a second time.
  3. You will see the Advanced Startup Options menu after pressing F8 repeatedly on the first boot screen.
  4. You can select Enable Safe Mode with the down arrow key, then hit Enter (or you can use F4 to execute the option immediately without scrolling).
  5. The startup sequence must be completed before you can continue.

Running the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool

To determine whether your computer has memory problems, run the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool built into Windows.

Start the Run dialog box by pressing the Windows logo + R.
Then, press Enter to bring up the Control Panel.
You will find Administrative Tools under System and Security.
In the list, double-click Windows Memory Diagnostics.

Note: You can quickly launch the tool by typing “mdsched.exe” in the Run dialog box and pressing Enter.

This error occurs when vital processes are shut down due to hardware or software failures, so it falls under the category of Blue Screen Error 0x00000109. In order to resolve this issue, the cause must be found and fixed accordingly. Once the issue has been fixed, they must recover any lost data with the help of Recoverit software.

You can also select “Restart now and check for problems (recommended)”.
A reboot will automatically take place after the computer has completed the scan.

The Event Viewer can be used to check whether the RAM module is bad:

  1. Start menu can be accessed by pressing Windows logo key.
  2. Click the Event Viewer icon in the search results after typing “eventvwr.exe”.
  3. System can be accessed by right-clicking the Windows Logs folder.
  4. The context menu has a Search option.
  5. Select “Find What” from the Browse menu and type “MemoryDiagnostics-Results”.
  6. The search box will close after you click “Learn More”.
  7. A defective memory module is not detected if the message “Windows Memory Diagnostics checked your computer’s memory and found no errors,” appears. In the Event Viewer, double-click the MemoryDiagnostic-Results list. If, however, you see errors, it means you need to replace one of your RAM modules.

Updating the device driver

The following instructions will explain how to manually update a problematic device driver to solve a shutdown error.

  1. By pressing the Windows logo key and R, you will open the Run dialog box.
  2. Then click OK or press Enter after typing “devmgmt.msc”.
  3. If there is an exclamation mark in the middle of a yellow rectangle on a device, this indicates that it has a problem.
  4. To update the driver software, right-click the device.

Note: You can easily restore all defective, outdated, and missing drivers using a third-party program. The utility will scan for driver problems and then download and install the latest manufacturer-recommended versions of the necessary drivers.

Perform System Restore

You can fix the 0x00000109 shutdown error by performing a system restore after starting up in safe mode. The system will be restored to a state where there was no problem previously.

System restore can be run using the following steps:

  1. Using your keyboard, press Windows + R to launch the Run dialog box.
  2. Click OK or Enter to type “rstrui”.
  3. The System Restore Wizard will appear. Click Next to proceed.
  4. You can now view more recovery points by checking the “Show more recovery points” box.
  5. If the error occurred prior to the restore point, choose it.
  6. Finish by clicking Next.
  7. You will be prompted to reboot your computer once the process has been completed.

Note: Note that applications, drivers, settings, etc. that were not deployed on your PC at the time of the selected restore point will no longer be present after the system restore is complete.


RECOMMENATION: Click here for help with Windows errors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Blue screens are usually caused by problems with hardware or driver software. Sometimes they can also be caused by problems with low-level software running in the Windows kernel. Common applications usually cannot cause blue screens.

  1. Go to "My Computer" and right-click.
  2. Go to "Real Estate."
  3. Go to the "Advanced" tab.
  4. Go to "Startup and Recovery" and click "Settings".
  5. Go to "System Errors" and uncheck "Auto Restart".
  6. Save your settings by clicking OK.

If the blue screen is caused by something installed on your computer, such as drivers, etc., reformatting can fix the problem. If it's caused by faulty hardware, no. If you have a spare hard drive, you can install a new Windows 10 and see if the blue screens go away.

Actually, the purpose of BSoD is to protect your hardware. When Windows senses that something might cause real damage, it shuts everything down, resulting in the infamous Blue Screen of Death. Although BSoD doesn't damage your hardware, it can ruin your day. You're busy working or playing, and suddenly everything stops.

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Mark Ginter is a tech blogger with a passion for all things gadgets and gizmos. A self-proclaimed "geek", Mark has been blogging about technology for over 15 years. His blog,, covers a wide range of topics including new product releases, industry news, and tips and tricks for getting the most out of your devices. If you're looking for someone who can keep you up-to-date with all the latest tech news and developments, then be sure to follow him over at Microsoft.